Tipton Masonic Lodge No. 33
1307 Smith Street
Logansport, Indiana 46947

Tipton Lodge No. 33 will hold their next regular Stated Meeting on February 5 , 2025. Dinner will be at 6:00 PM.   Lodge opens at 7:00 PM.  



Greetings from the 2025 Junior Warden.
I want to thank the brethren for their confidence in nominating me for this office. By trade, I am a Maintenance Technician with HVACR background. I am also a proud US ARMY veteran. There is never a second chance for first impressions. I wish for all visitors and members to appreciate our lodge by keeping the lodge squared away, light bulbs working, pipes flowing, windows shining, heat warming and air conditioning chilling.
I am committed to assisting Worshipful Master Wade in running his Lodge and helping teach our craft to our newer brothers. As Free Masons, we are taught to be mindful of keeping our community needs at the forefront by continuing to assist where we can such as charitable giving, volunteering, and other efforts.
I am properly prepared to welcome a flurry of new candidates and watch this old fraternity grow into the future. To anyone who may be interested in being a better man, reach out to any officer and introduce yourself. We are by no means unfriendly, and we are always willing to raise you and help you better yourself with brotherly love, relief, and truth.

Scott Pense
Junior Warden, Tipton Lodge #33
P.O. Box 331, Logansport, IN 46947

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